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Hydro-Treatment FAQ's

What’s up with the Hydro-Treatments?

At Mikka Arrington Salon, I use what I call Hydro-Treatments on all of my Natural clients; clients with dry itchy scalps; and my Relaxed clients, on the day of their Relaxer to help soothe and smooth the cuticle of the hair and the scalp. It also helps to moisturize the hair and the scalp; ease the tension in tight/stressed scalps; increase the circulation of blood to the scalp to help promote/stimulate the hairs’ follicles for better growth (the scalp massage also helps with this). Overall, just creating a better environment for the hair because a healthy scalp will produce healthy hair.

What’s in the Hydro-Treatment?

I personally mix a blend of Essential Oils, Black Caster Oils with a special tea tree conditioner and tea tree oil as a base or carrier. This is the only time I believe oil should be anywhere near the scalp and should be shampooed out before moving on to the blow drying and styling process. Why? I believe that oils can clog the pores/follicles in the scalp and possibly stunt the growth of the hair.

What do I put on the hair if it’s not grease? I use 3 Brazilian Blowout products on ALL of my Natural and Relaxed clients, even if they don’t have a Brazilian Blowout, before blow drying. I use a pea-size amount of Brazilian Blowout’s Acai Daily Smoothing Serum; a pea-size amount of Brazilian Blowout’s Acai Protective Thermal Straightening Balm; and a half to a full pump (or 2, depending on the amount and texture of hair) of Brazilian Blowout’s Acai Dry Oil (less is more and you can always add more before or after styling, and even the next day). I cocktail/mix/warm the 3 ingredients in my hand and apply from the ends of the hair up towards the scalp. After blow drying and styling, I finish with a LIGHT mist of Brazilian Blowout’s Shine & Shield Spray Shine. This spray is a very light finishing spray that I hold several inches away from the hair before spraying, for additional shine.

What happens after the Hydro-Treatment is on?

After the treatment is applied, with an applicator brush; much like a virgin color, from scalp to ends. I go through the hair ensuring every strand has the treatment on it and then massage the scalp, temples and nape of the neck. Afterwards, I apply a processing cap and a TURBIE TWIST®, sit the client under the steamer for 15-45 minutes, depending on the client’s hair (the drier/more dehydrated the hair, the longer the client needs to be under the steamer). The steamer adds moisture to the hair, hence the name HYDRO-Treatment. The hot moisture from the steamer opens the pores of the scalp and the hair’s cuticle. It works in tandem with my customized treatment to further increase blood circulation for growth, shine and strength.

Who should get a Hydro-Treatment?

I have performed Hydro-Treatments on a man (scalp and face), a child (as young as 6 years old), and of course women. Although my then 2-year-old niece has never sat under a steamer, I did mix up a small batch to ship to her for her mom to put on her hair and scalp to help with eczema relief. I have also performed these treatments on my Caucasian, Hispanic and Black clients. With all of that being said, anyone who desires to add moisture and shine to their hair; have a less itchy and flakey scalp; or just want or need a scalp massage can benefit from a Hydro-Treatment.

Do Hydro-Treatments take the place of trims/cuts?

The short answer: Not ever! A more detailed answer: The hair on the ends of your head have been with you the longest and just like plants, people and animals, they die. You should let the ends go by cutting or trimming them, whichever vernacular you prefer. There is no magic potion that will mend your split ends and while I’m here, I might as well tell you that putting heat (blow dryer or any type of heating tools) WILL NOT HELP EITHER! Oh, and neither will mixing aloe with any other substances and putting it on your head. If your ends are beyond repair (an inch or more), you need to let them go, they just look bad. Like weeds in a garden, they will always stunt the growth of what is meant to be healthy. In this instance, the weeds are the split ends and the garden is the good/healthy hair. Another myth I’d like to bust: cutting your hair will NOT make your hair grow faster. What happens on the ends of your hair can never dictate what happens underneath the scalp, in the hair’s follicle. However, if you are not getting regular trims/cuts (4-6 weeks for short hair; 6-8 weeks for longer than short hair; and 10-12 weeks for naturally curly hair that rarely sees heating tools), the more you comb, brush, run your fingers through and definitely putting heat on them (DON’T DO THAT) will make them coil down toward the scalp-like running a pair of kitchen scissors down a Christmas ribbon, spread and coil…That’s not cute! Also, braiding or adding extensions will not help “protect” or preserve the ends either. Just let them go!

Steamer vs. Dryer

The steamer provides extra moisture for the hair during hair and scalp treatments.

The dryer is for drying the hair and though the treatment itself is moist, it does not allow for the deepest penetration of the treatment into the hair and scalp with dry heat (my personal and professional opinion). Moist heat creates the best environment for dehydrated hair to retain moisture.

Other Uses for the Steamer: Processing stubborn or slow-moving Highlights and Balayages safely. During Highlight and Balayage services, the steamer allows the product to remain moist and effective by not drying out. If the product dries out it can significantly slow down or completely stop the lifting process altogether. The foils and or Balay Wrap (plastic wrap/saran wrap) used in conjunction with controlled, steamed temperature also help keep the product from drying out.

Using foils and or Balay Wrap keep the product (lightener or color) from leaking onto other parts of the hair, which could cause the desired effect to be lost.

Again, I feel the dryer is for drying hair and in MY mind, sitting a client with a Balayage or Highlights under the dryer will dry the product out and also quite possibly dehydrate the hair…again, this is MY thought process, I am not saying that MY way is the ONLY way or that another Stylist’s method is incorrect. I am simply answering FAQ’s about Hydro-Treatments and my steamer. Hope this helps!

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